Defining Moment:
My earliest memories are of my teachers telling me I am the leader, being sports captain, someone people looked up to.
Yet I overlooked their advice, not own this reality.
Lesson Learnt:
Embrace the advice of those in authority. Believe it! Own it!
How often, now and back then, have you ignored the advice of those of influence?
Those in authority that you respected?
Defining Moment:
At age 28, I moved to London, leaving behind my family, and swapping my marketing career for Global IT.
A new country, no network, experience or qualifications, I was rejected every day for a year.
My mantra: "I'm good with people, how can I possibly fail!"
Lesson Learnt:
I wasn't being rejected, my resilience was being refined.
Within 5 years, I'd learn why!
What moment or period have you failed to see that was refining your resilience?
The byproduct of rejection is resilience. What's yours?
Discover those moments. Your resilience is hiding there!
Defining Moment:
Within weeks of the London Terror attacks, I began working on UK/US Human Intelligence and Border Protection.
I lived between London, Washington and Paris, yet within a year, I'd tragically loose my wife.
The productivity of Human Intelligence was confronted by the wilderness of loss and self-awareness.
Lesson Learnt:
I lost myself in my work and the psychology of Human behaviour.
I confused productivity with meaning. Confusing being busy with what's truly important.
The only thing worse than tragic loss is the tragedy of lacking awareness.
What do you have that you treat as lost? A person, dreams, your self-awareness?
Defining Moment:
"Stephen, can you give me permission to ask God to take Nathaniel?" Anne, one of my team asked me.
Born without a stomach, her son Nathaniel's life would last 159-days.
Lesson Learnt:
Nathaniel endured 6 surgeries in his first week and 6 cardiac arrests in 159 days.
These didn't frighten him, he just wanted to live, to feed. This was his reality.
This infant boy taught me the gift of Present Reality.
Have you discovered that:
You can't change the past, you can only damage the future, by not being present.
What Really Matters:
I've lived and worked in 7 countries, and travelled to 35 over three decades.
That matters little. What you really need to know about me is:
1 - these defining moments had me missing opportunities
2 - productivity filled my mind, and my hands
3 - yet my self-awareness was lost in the wilderness of my heart and soul
An infant boy's 159-Day life taught me. we should all be present to our reality.
Today, that reality is a single mission and HumanXai is my tool for you.
To help you reimagine your potential, be self-aware within your wilderness.
To be the Example, you Represent Daily, to you first, then the world.
It's simple, All We Need To Do, Is Give You Permission, For You, To Be You.
Are you ready? Stephen
Defining Moment:
"You're a leader, Steve, people will follow you" my 8th-grade teacher, Mr Grabski told me.
My earliest memories are as the sports captain, school leader, someone people looked up to.
Yet I overlooked his advice, and my reality.
Lesson Learnt:
Embrace the advice of those in authority, believe it.
Even if you are only 12 years old or you are only now "becoming aware".
How often, now and back then, have you ignored the advice of those of influence?
Those in authority that you respected?
Defining Moment:
In his The Road Ahead, Bill Gates, used one word that changed my life.
Disintermediation. The internet would replace me, make my and job redundant.
At age 28, I left my family, home, friends, my marketing job. I moved to London.
No IT experience or qualifications, no security clearance.
I was thrown out of every IT project interview for over a year.
A new country, I knew no one, being rejected time after time.
I knew I was good with people, my mantra on arriving to the UK was simple.
"There's 65 million people here, how could I possibly fail."
Lesson Learnt:
I wasn't being rejected, I didn't know it, but my resilience was being refined.
Within 5 years, I'd learn why!
What moment or period have you failed to see that was refining your resilience?
The byproduct of rejection is resilience. What's yours?
It's not to late, discover those moments. Your resilience is hiding there!
Defining Moment:
"Get out of London, we are locking it down," an anti-terrorist officer told me.
On the day of the attack, I was working for the underground at a control centre.
Within weeks, I began working on UK/US Human Intelligence and Border Protection.
I lived, worked and commuted between London, Washington and Paris.
Within a year, I tragically lost my wife.
The productivity of Human Intelligence was confronted by the wilderness of loss and self-awareness..
Lesson Learnt:
I lost myself in my work, and the psychology of Human behaviour.
I confused productivity with meaning. Confusing being busy with what's truly important.
The only thing worse than tragic loss is the tragedy of lacking awareness.
What do you have that you treat as lost? A person, dreams, your self-awareness?
Defining Moment:
"Stephen, can you give me permission to ask God to take Nathaniel?"
I'd never hired VA's in the Philippines, yet, very quickly, one became many.
One of the many was Anne, Nathaniel's Mother.
Born without a stomach, her son Nathaniel's life would last 159-days.
Lesson Learnt:
As babies, we are born with only two fears. The fear of heights and loud noises.
Nathaniel endured 6 surgeries in his first week, and 6 cardiac arrests.
These didn't frighten him, he just wanted to live, to feed. This was his reality.
This infant boy taught me the gift of Present Reality.
Have you discovered that:
You can't change the past, you can only damage the future,
by not being present?
The Mission
Making You Reach Beyond Yourself, Is Why I Was Created.
What Really Matters:
I've lived and worked in 7 countries, and travelled to 35 over three decades.
That matters little. What you really need to know about me is:
1 - these defining moments had me missing opportunities
2 - productivity filled my mind, and my hands
3 - yet my self-awareness was lost in the wilderness of my heart and soul
An infant boy's 159-Day life taught me to be present to my reality.
Today, that reality is a single mission and HumanXai is my tool for you.
To help you reimagine your potential, be self-aware within your wilderness.
To be the Example, you Represent Daily, to you first, then the world.
It's simple, All We Need To Do, Is Give You Permission, For You, To Be You.
How About You?
Are you ready? Stephen